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DETAILS: Body contour services use the latest hi-tech equipment and machines to help contour target areas of the body such as arms, thighs, belly, back and buttocks. The treatment focuses on reducing thick and sagging areas by eliminating excess fat cells (cellulite), stimulating collagen and toning muscles. Contouring helps shape the body by targeting specific areas where weight loss isn’t effective or after significant weight loss results in extra skin.




liposonix untrasound

1.    What is a HB Body Contour session?

Our highly effective treatment sessions are fifty minutes long and use the latest body contouring technology you need to get you the best results. Depending on the body contouring need, ultrasound, micro current, radio frequency, lipo laser or other technologies may be used. Our skilled beauty technician will focus on one body area per session, such as arm contouring, back contouring, belly slimming or buttocks lifting to name a few.


2.    What is the HB Body Contour program?

Body contour treatments are scheduled as you go. When you feel you have the desired result you can stop treatment at any time. Best results will take multiple sessions which HB refers to as your treatment program. Every visit our expert esthetician will work with you to make sure the next treatment in the session is based on our experience, your body, and the results of your last session. Because every session is personalized, the experience may be different from session to session with different equipment as needed. This is done to get you the best results.


3.    How many sessions will I need and how often will I need to have appointments to reach my goal?

After the very first session you will see contouring results. HB body contouring is an additive process, and more sessions will provide more results. Though the number of sessions vary from person to person, on average clients see the results they are looking for in 3-6 sessions. As there is no downtime after sessions, we recommend a weekly program of one per week. Multiple session can be done on the same day if more than one area of the body is being contoured.


4.    How long do the results last?

HB body contouring is non-surgical and non-invasive, so the results do diminish over time. Depending on the type of body contouring you receive, the lasting result will vary from person to person and will be unique to your journey. Our expert estheticians will be able to give you an estimate of how long the treatment will last, with and without maintenance.


5.    Who is the right candidate for Body Contouring?

Body contouring can be for anyone who wants to sculpt their body to a better you. We accept all clients 18 and older who pass a brief screening. Whether you want a more firmed and toned look for the arms or back, or cellulite reduction in the belly or thighs, we will help work with you on your journey.


6.    Does Body Contouring have side effects or is painful?

The non-invasive HB body contouring treatments have no downtime and do not cause any pain associated with surgical or laser treatments. Most technologies used at HB cause little to no noticeable discomfort or redness.


7.    Does cellulite reduction require dieting and heavy exercise to work?

No. While these activities are important for a healthy lifestyle, they are not required while cellulite reduction treatments are ongoing during the body contouring sessions. However, it is important that to see continued results in the treatments that you do not change your current habits negatively during the program. At minimum, maintain the diet and exercise habits you have in everyday life. For best overall results a healthy diet and regular exercise will accelerate the look you desire.


8.    Can Body Contouring help with weight loss?

Cellulite reduction will result in some weight loss as part of body contour slimming. Additionally, we can help overweight clients looking for assistance with weight loss by recommending over the counter dieting snacks and aids that are natural and effective. These are made to suppress appetite to help you lose unwanted extra weight.


9.    With cellulite reduction where does the fat go?

Fat cells (cellulite) are found at the deepest layer of the skin. These cells can be melted away using various technologies making for safe and reliable body slimming treatments. What is left behind of the fat cell is metabolized by the body and naturally shed automatically from the body’s own blood circulation and lymphatic drainage (urine) with no harm to you.


BOOK ONLINE - 45 min session - $180/ VIP MBS $150
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